Venus Cazimi in leo - ‘the heart of the sun’

“The Sun” by James Jean.

In a very real way, you are the center of the universe.

(Just as I’m the center of mine, and your friend is the center of theirs, and so on.)

Life revolves around you like the planets revolve around the sun. You pull people and things into your orbit that enjoy your warmth and can withstand your gravity.

We’re all starring in our own story, and the Venus Cazimi in Leo is reminding us that we’ll enjoy it more when we act like it. 

A Cazimi is the union of the Sun and a planet - in this case, Venus, the ruler of harmony, aesthetics and relationships. The Sun brings light and charge to that planet’s role in our chart, and sparks epiphanies around its themes and placement. 

As the star of our own lives, it’s our duty to dig into our unique motivations and act upon them - to move our hero’s journey forward with Leonine courage. 

But the universe is large and complex, and understandably we can get caught up or confused…

And we can make the mistake of playing a role that’s not suited to us. Pulling on costumes and facial expressions that suit someone else’s story. 

We may temper our light and gravity so that others can thrive, and forget how and why we chose to show up here and shine. 

This Cazimi roars, "No more!"

Just as Venus transitions from evening star to morning star over the course of her retrograde, so we are blessed and invited to bring all the inner work we've been doing out into the world.

Your stars foretell liberation. 

Uranus, the planet of progress, epiphany, disruption and (necessity is the mother of) invention, is making a square to this Cazimi. The square is a challenging angle - a crossroads disguised as cross purposes. 

Today and for the next few days (there’s a Leo New Moon coming up on August 16 to re-enforce this message), prioritize your authenticity and don’t ignore the irritation that precedes your liberation! 


Something’s gotta give and it don’t always gotta be YOU. 

On this auspicious day, take some time to identify ways you’re limiting yourself and your expression, and take a first step to deliberately dismantle them.

Feeling hampered in your personal expression? Dare yourself to say or do or wear one thing that pushes your comfort zone just a little, and feels more like YOU. 

Uranian warning: artists and geniuses are often marked, mocked, and misunderstood in their own time. This is not a drill and this is also not your problem.

Remember, this is your movie. 

In your movie, you might hug trees and talk to animals. 

In someone else’s movie, you might be the strange looking person doing weird stuff in the background, just adding some indie flavor. 

In another person’s, you might be a disturbing presence that makes them fear or jeer. 

For another, you might spark a synchronicity that sets them off on their own journey. 

None of these perspectives make your connection with the earth more or less potent, and none should have you shifting your behavior to be as unremarkable and undisturbing as possible. 

There are times when you are in the background, but you are never a background character.

When you play your role beauty-FULLY, your plot moves forward and people notice, for better and for worse. They’re remarking because you’re remarkable. Embrace it.

You’re the star, so remember to follow your own curiosity, celebrate your unique qualities and your sacred NO’s, and allow them to enchant your orbit. 

This will pull new signs, individuals and events into your life that support and supercharge your authentic unfolding. You’re here because you’re vital as you truly are - may the Venus Cazimi burn away all that inhibits your full expression. 

And may all beings experience love and liberation, the twin gateways to true union.

With rebellious, ferocious love,


P.S. If you want to get intimate with how Venus operates in your own chart and how to use the powers she’s gifted you, you can order a Venus video reading here, or book a face to face Venus Deep Dive here. It’s my honor and pleasure to support your journey.


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