meet the village witch

about me, my experience, ethics, and philosophy

Hi, I’m madeleine joan.

I’m an intuitive, Tarot reader, astrologer, and village witch with 30 years of continual fascination, study, and practice under my belt. My specialty is helping people shift their energy - and thus their circumstances - to bring more joy, ease, and ensuing synchronicity into their lives.

My motto (and my business) is “Trust your wild magic.” This is what I do via divination, mentoring, and writing - use my wild magic to help others dissolve their unconscious partitions and tap into their own.

Whether we work together via Tarot, astrology, or magical mentoring, my connection with Spirit is the soul of my work. Your folks (of all energies and entities) step forward with messages, stories, and symbols for your highest good, and I act as an interpreter.

All of this is in the name of one thing: to help you get into accord with yourself. To reawaken the instinct, intelligence, intuition, and awareness that emerge when we’re in coherence with our body, mind, heart, and soul.

Please note, ALL of my readings are healing readings no matter their genre and we go DEEP. We do not skim the surface or mince words. Spirit always speaks with love, joy, and humor - and we have a ton of fun - AND they also go right to the heart.

We’ll work very well together if you’re open to being deeply seen and reinvigorated.

My philosophy + Approach

A compass with the Sun in the North position, Jupiter in the East, the Moon in the South, and Venus in the West.

My personal compass, with the Sun representing courage, Jupiter representing curiosity, the moon representing compassion, and Venus representing creativity.


In my readings, I use a compass of courage, curiosity, compassion, and creativity to help you get where you’re trying to go by being right exactly where the fuck you are!

Everything that has the potential to happen, happens in this moment. The easiest way to shift the future is to shift your current energy, which opens up your access to those 4 C’s and creates FAR MORE INTERESTING AND ENJOYABLE OUTCOMES!

We unravel and re-weave your energy to support you getting what you want without having to do more or try harder.

We work from the inside out so you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting.


no preconceived notions

Generally speaking, I prefer to go into readings knowing nothing about you other than your name and a goal for our session that doesn’t inform me of what’s going on in your life. I prefer to open with a reading directly from Spirit about what they see and want to address. Most of my clients end up telling me Spirit answered their question or zeroed in on the heart of the matter in that initial reading, which is more affirming for them.

deep dialogue

Once Spirit has had their say, I invite you to zoom in on any specific questions or explorations you’d like to dive into during our session. Then the reading becomes more of a dialogue - and together, we lift, shift, and expand your energy to step into what will bring you the most peace, abundance, joy and fulfillment possible. There’s always a sense of excitement, joy, and humor in my readings because that’s just how Spirit and I get down.


my ethics

My ethics and channel “cleanliness” are of utmost importance to me. They inform every bit of my work. They are as follows:

  • No blame, no shame, no judgement. Spirit and I don’t do that shit. Whatever your situation, you will be met with compassion and understanding. That said, Spirit may indeed try to point out or “correct” your behavior by connecting it to its effects - but they will never judge or berate you, and neither will I. Think of them as a truly unconditionally loving parent that wants you to have and do better - not for them, but for your own highest good.

  • Total privacy and confidentiality. Your readings are for you and no one else. I record your readings so I can send them to you to keep, then I destroy my copy. I do not share ANY of your information with anyone, ever.

  • No third party readings. I don’t read people that haven’t given me their explicit consent. I don’t tell clients what their ex is doing or thinking, not just because it’s boring, but because it’s none of their damn business.

  • I am an imperfect antenna forever refining my ability to clearly receive Spirit’s ‘signals’ - this is not a burden or a badge of honor. It’s the path of a village witch and it’s true of all diviners - if they’re not actively working on clearing themselves of their own unconscious biases, blockages, et. al., with daily practices, therapy, etc. then they are going to transmit garbled, inaccurate messages.

  • Continuing education. I’m an eternal student of many disciplines. I’ve been studying divination, theology, spirituality, energy work across disciplines for three decades, and I won’t stop til I’m dead. (Then I’ll most likely start reading whatever magazine they keep in the Cosmic Waiting Room and start the process all over again.)