horoscopes for mercury retrograde in virgo - shape-shifting

The planet of quick wits, breaking news, and driving discourse has started reversing through the sign of purity, dedication, and secret kink (fight me), Virgo. 

Mercury Rx always aims to show you what needs reviewing, revamping, renewing, and re-configuring in your life — the House in which he retraces his steps reflects the sector of your life where you benefit from slowing down, reflecting, reassessing, and re-applying yourself. (Mercury retro rules re’s.)

Mercury retrograde is a time of course correction, but this energy can and should be used as a diagnostic (an experiment, a series of tests), not a diagnosis (assigning a judgment, a permanent condition). 

It is usually when we have ignored or raced past certain issues in our lives that Mercury’s trickster aspect comes out to play — especially when he’s moonwalking in meticulous Virgo. 

You can avoid the pitfalls by paying devoted attention to the details.

He’s making a friendly trine with generous Jupiter and ingenious Uranus, who are conjunct in Virgo’s sister sign, Taurus, and power-playing Pluto who’s retrograde in CEO of the zodiac, Capricorn. 

Brilliant ideas may be par for the (reverse) course under these earthy, abundant stars. Have you been thinking about re-starting or re-working an idea or project? New insights are willing to show up if you are.

This would be an auspicious time to set about refining old ideas that have been set aside, particularly related to the House in your chart that Mercury’s hanging out in. More on that in your horoscope below. 

Another look and a fresh approach that engages all six of your senses (fight me) could help your idea soar once Mercury goes direct. Famed astrologer Caroline Casey describes a retrograde as an arrow being drawn back to fire.

For now, aim carefully and when you’re relaxed and ready, release on the exhale.

We’ll be working with this energy until September 15, when Mercury goes direct — but we’re well-advised to do as Virgo does, and use each and every minute of our testing time to check our work and make final touches — through his shadow period which lasts until September 30. 

Don’t rush. Get intimate with your process and allow it to unfold. Make friends with Mercury by slowing down, thinking things through, and experimenting with the insights and abundance that arise as you honor your unique genius. 

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It’s time to slow down, revise, and re-think your health and habits, Aries! Mercury is moonwalking through your House of Work and Routine, reviewing your daily practices of all kinds. Everything we do habitually is a ritual, including hitting the snooze button seventeen times before you drag yourself out of bed. Are your personal daily rituals serving you, or slowing you? 

Mercury retrograde has a way of throwing wrenches into the works in order to get us to pause, rewind, and re-configure our way of thinking — the better to get things done right the first time, rather than barreling in first and asking questions later — which, admittedly, is kind of your M.O.! 

This is an ideal period to tidy your workspace, create a calendar, and refine, or redefine, your routine. Look after your health, and incorporate healthy practices in your routine to sustain your energy! Research and revisions are favored under Mercury retro, much more so than taking immediate action — start strategizing before you deploy your energy. “A stitch, in time, saves nine.”

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


I know you’re all about structure and rules, Taurus, but for the next few weeks, you’re being asked to give up following straight lines, and start having a little more fun with everything in your life! Mercury is moonwalking through your House of Creativity and Play, causing a crazy creative burst, but one which does not necessarily fit your typical style or role. Let it be! 

Your opinions and creative drives are forecast to undergo a shift over the course of this month, so you’re advised not to work yourself into a rut from which you can’t escape. Be willing to make a departure from your usual route — detours and dalliances are forecast to provide some sweet inspiration and even some surprising good fortune, with Mercury linked up to generous Jupiter and the great awakener, Uranus. 

This House also rules your inner child, so it’s likely that you’ll want to get out and play now! If you have children, or work with them, reminiscing and connecting with them will feature prominently now, as well. This is meant to hearken back to your own childhood — what does your inner child (which is also your inner artist) crave? Go back and listen to yourself — whether it’s a lazy Sunday or a chocolate sundae, explore what it means to treat yourself!

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


Time to get your bearings, Gemini. What is your foundation like? How have your roots inspired or deterred your growth in life, so far? With your ruler, Mercury, moonwalking through your House of Home and Family, you’re bound to encounter a few eye-opening situations this month which “take you back” to your childhood, or inspire you to get out of a rut you’ve run yourself into. 

Questions about the kind of home environment and living situation that would make you happy arise — it’s a good time to rearrange furniture, donate things you no longer need or use, and generally “clear the way” for the new energy waiting to flow into this sector of your life. 

Fundamental questions about your needs may arise now — don’t back away from them. To answer them is to start “setting yourself up” for a life that you will love. What would make you feel “at home?” How can you provide yourself the secure foundation from which to make a beautiful swan dive into life? Any delays or setbacks provide you the time to re-work things — get yourself back on course!

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.



Listen up, Cancer! Check your messages, spell-check your documents, get your car checked out, and back up your computer — this is not a drill. Mercury Retrograde is spinning through your House of Communications, the House of Technology, Timing, and Telecommuting. This week, your motto should be, “Be Prepared.” It’s not that delays, setbacks, and malfunctions are guaranteed… but their likelihood is much higher, with everyone being muddled by this moonwalking, Mercurial energy in the air.

There may be a lot of schedule-shuffling, calendar-clearing, and mental-muckraking for you over the next few weeks, but you are forecast to weave some disparate threads into quite a marvelous tapestry, if you give yourself the time, patience, and flexibility to do so. Don’t expect perfection. Don’t expect your schedule to go as planned. “Expect the unexpected.” 

Expect that the outcome can be better than the plan, when the plan is given room to change and evolve, to become the outcome. Roads that diverge now are forecast to converge in much better ways, as long as you remain adaptable. Seeming delays may turn out to be fortunate intermissions. Do not invest worry; invest time and attention.

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


What do you want, Leo? OK. Now. Why do you want it? With Mercury moonwalking through your House of Money and Values, your finances, and the feelings they bring you, are being reevaluated for the next few weeks. 

Are you financially comfortable? Do you enjoy what you do with your time and talents? Do you make what you’re worth? All of these questions will come up for inspection now, and you’re meant to reassess what you need to be happy, to feel valued, and valuable. It’s a great time to review your budget and financial goals, and to set new ones. It’s not a great time to make big purchases — wait until the first week of October and see if what lures you now still holds its shine by then. 

Reallocate funds and redesign your budget — make it about more than just paying bills. Begin designing and drafting the steps to creating a life that you love, one that feels valuable beyond the amount in your bank account. Unexpected income, or the inspiration for how to get it, are forecast, since mental Mercury is linked up with generous Jupiter, powerful Pluto, and brilliant Uranus — be flexible and willing to see your accounts in a new way. Revise and reallocate. Renew!

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


What do you see when you look in the mirror, Virgo? And what about what you see in the mirror projected by your closest relationships? Do you like what you see? Is there anything you would like to change? You being your ruthlessly honest self, I’m sure there are a couple of areas in which you’d like to see some improvement — there’s no time like the present, with your ruler, Mercury, moonwalking through your House of Self! 

This is your House of Looks, Personality, and First Impressions, so this is the moment to reassess who you are, and how you come off, and begin making any necessary readjustments. That goes for everything to do with the “vibe” you give off, from the way you look, to the way you speak, dress, walk, and hold yourself — most importantly, it’s about your self-image. Do others tend to speak over you in meetings? Consider how you could better make yourself heard! 

It’s time to start asking how you can match your outside to your inside, whether that means investing in some new clothes or practicing your “don’t tread on me” speech in the mirror before your meeting. “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.” Start with the person in the mirror! 

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


Assume nothing, Libra, and expect the most beautiful outcome. Unfold with it. All endings are new beginnings. Mental Mercury is quietly retracing his steps through your House of Secrets and the Past, in reverent review of all the experiences and emotions that have brought you to this moment. This is the House of Spirituality and the Unconscious, so you may feel quite lost or adrift at times, feeling as though you’re being “pulled” somewhere, but you’re not sure where, or why. Allow it to be. 

Certain seeds that you’ve planted are silently coming to fruition; events are coalescing in unpredictable ways behind the scenes — their results will be more visible after the first week of October. Memories or people from your past may suddenly appear out of the fog, “asking” for your attention, whether literally or figuratively. This is a time of “sorting out” the past, of realizing what needs letting go, and what simply needs revising or repairing. 

Listen to your intuition and release regret. Closure, forgiveness, and new insights are forecast. It’s time for some spiritual renewal. Make time for self care and reflection — your stars say they’ll bring you both measurable and immeasurable rewards.

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


Step back and survey the scene, Scorpio — the social scene, more specifically. Mercury is moonwalking through your House of Allies, Organizations, and Long Term Goals, indicating that your social circle may need a bit of revising. 

Have you been spending a little too much time networking, and feel the need to restore some internal balance? For some, this will be a time of recuperation and reassessment — are the circles you’re moving in inspiring you toward greater personal and professional fulfillment and joy? If not, what are you getting from these interactions? Asking yourself these questions is forecast to lead you toward a better support system, and goals that are worth your time and energy. 

After all, this is also the House of Big Dreams, and a wise man once said that we are each the average of the five people with whom we spend the most time — are your friends and associates helping you get closer to your goals? Or, alternatively, have you neglected your friends in favor of your personal pursuits? Now’s the time to mend fences and build bridges. We all stand on each other’s shoulders to achieve — just be sure they’re steady shoulders and true aims. Then the rest will fall into place.

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


Are you feeling fulfilled in your professional life, Sagittarius? Are you on the road to attaining the status and reputation you desire most? With Mercury moonwalking through your House of Career and Destiny, it’s time to peruse and polish your accomplishments, and to brainstorm efforts that will get you where you want to go. 

It’s essential for you to pay attention to small details over the next few weeks, especially because you tend to be so focused on the “big picture.” Making sure each step is taken care of will ensure you don’t stumble when you start running full-tilt toward your highest aspirations next month. For now, take care of connections and tasks that you may have neglected. Bring everything up to snuff rather than attempting to make new strides. 

A re-vamp of your public image is forecast — be sure it’s one that you take into your own hands, rather than letting it formulate on its own. New connections and exciting networking opportunities are forecast. Get yourself (and your portfolio/resume/pitch) ready!

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


It’s time to take care of the small steps that lead you toward your big purpose, Capricorn. Mental Mercury is moonwalking through your House of Journeys and Philosophy, the House of Big Ideas and The Big Picture, indicating that now is the time for you to cross t’s and dot i’s, laying the groundwork for a smooth journey forward. 

Because indeed, you do have quite an exciting “trip” ahead of you, beginning next month, once Mercury goes direct. So in the meantime, take care of the “little things” that you need to achieve in order to make your big ideas happen! What small details are slipping by right now that could potentially create a future you love? Seize the day! 

Now is not the time for great leaps forward, but for making sure you have everything in place for the “journey” — get your metaphorical vehicle detailed, double check the map, read through the guide books. It may be time for you to re-orient yourself entirely, because you may have lost sight of the “big picture,” or it may have changed while you weren’t looking. Be willing to revise where you want to be and go, and reinvest in the efforts it will take to get there. One step at a time.

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


Are you getting what you need, Aquarius? And are you giving what you should? Questions like these will rise to the surface now that Mercury is moonwalking through your House of Intimacy and the Other, highlighting the need to revise your most intimate relationships and exchanges. 

This is the House of Other People’s Money, so it may be time to reallocate some funds, pay off debts and jointly held accounts, and otherwise make sure that everything is being handled fairly from a financial perspective. This is an ideal time to cleanse and heal, so throw out the old: that goes for physical clutter as well as mental and emotional baggage. 

A fresh start is forecast, but only when you’re willing to heal the past so that it is not begging for your constant attention. What do you need in order to be happy, both within yourself and in your most intimate relationships? Consider what you want to get, and whether you give that to others. Balance the books. Refill your emotional and energetic tank. Take a little internal inventory, shake the dust off your soul, and reclaim your power! It’s waiting for you.

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


It’s time to revise and renegotiate when it comes to your partnerships, Pisces! Mental Mercury is moonwalking through your House of Partnerships for the next few weeks, asking you to slow down, reconsider who you are, what you want, and what you desire in your one-on-one relationships. 

Words that have remained unspoken may come spilling out at this time, for better or for worse. Be as clear as you can in your communications, first with yourself, and then with others. If you don’t know what to say, say that. Better to hedge your bets than to put everything on the line at the wrong moment. Assume nothing — ask questions. Differences of opinion can be well-aired during this time, as long as both parties are willing to be patient and flexible. 

Used correctly, this retrograde energy can provide a great healing and cleansing when it comes to your partnerships. A fresh start with new energy is forecast once this period ends — until then, set yourself up for successful relationships by speaking clearly, listening compassionately, and connecting deeply. Inspiring, healing unions are forecast.

If you’d like to go deeper with a personal reading, you can order an email reading or book an appointment here.


Venus Cazimi in leo - ‘the heart of the sun’