
Kind words from folks I’ve worked with describing their experiences and outcomes.

“Have you ever experienced the sensation of reaching the center of a psychological knot? Have you felt that strange, looming sense of pressure suddenly leaving your chest and heart, leaving only what truly lives there?

Have you been pulled apart only to find yourself come back together because skilled hands are working their way through your gears, resetting your clocks, raising your thermostats?

I woke up from the deepest sleep I have experienced in ages and it is due to both the emotional heavy lifting I have been doing and because Madeleine shone a spotlight on a part of my experience last night in a way that shook me free of so much of my shadow.

The love, insight, and support she gives me can't be properly described or given enough gratitude. She is my champion and a shining star; this girl is love and magic.”

— Lucy S.

“You've been unbelievably helpful in making me take a very hard look at my insecurities and fears and how they're holding me back.

I never expected tarot to provide that kind of support, but it's been better than any therapy session I've ever had.

That is only because of the reader and how you communicate with me. You've given me the courage to shed a thousand skins that were restricting me and cutting me off. It's scary AF but it feels really good.”

— Leila R.

“Madeleine! I just listened to my reading and holy FUCK girl, you never cease to amaze me. Thank you for being a part of my team, you’re right! This is so helpful and inspires me to take better care of me and leave behind those that don’t resonate anymore.

Thank you for being the bright shining star so many of us need to guide us. Your work is beyond amazing and so helpful.

You have helped me immensely and I trust your word a million percent and appreciate you are a straight shooter...

May everyone have the good fortune to discover you... This world would be so blessed to have your counsel.”

— Karen Fogarty

“I just had a reading with Madeleine and can’t say enough good things about it!

Madeleine did not want any information prior to the reading so she had no idea what was happening in my world.

From the first words, she hit the nail on the head! EVERYTHING she said resonated with me – the entire reading left me speechless! She affirmed exactly what was happening/happened for me and I felt a huge relief while talking with her!

Madeleine was extremely easy to talk to and her style was very comforting. She provides specific and relevant information and foresight. I will definitely contact her again and again as her predictions unfold. Thank you, Madeleine!”

— E.J.

“Thank you so much for all the love and insight your readings bring. Mind blowing! You are spot on in your partnership with spirit.”

— Diane Boni

“Thank you so much for the reading! It was well worth the wait. I have read it at least 5 times and just feel so incredibly supported, inspired, encouraged, and empowered!

I've had many, many intuitive readings over the years and this really stands out for capturing the overview of what's going on for me with a stunning level of specificity, and layers of resonance and meaning that are still being revealed to me several days later.

I feel like this was worth way more than what I paid for it.”

— Stephanie B.

“Last June you read my cards as I was beginning a huge life change. I felt compelled to check back in with that reading this morning, and I just wanted to send you a HUGE thank you and hello! Your reading was so influential in reassuring me that I am on the right path and revisiting that reading this morning was really intense and felt so good to hear...

Looking back at the video I can see how overwhelmed I was. At that point in my life I felt that I had never been truly “seen” and you were able to see me, and you really gave me the validation that I needed to keep moving.

So, I just wanted to thank you from the depths of my soul and tell you that you are a true gift, and I am so glad that we met, and that you gave me that reading.”

— Chloe L.

“Madeleine, I don’t know how to thank you for this reading. It is just amazing, and I am always so impressed with your insightful interpretations of cards. 

You are anything but a standard reader. You provide so much more clarity and practical application into your complete and in-depth definitions. Thank you. 

I appreciate the time and consideration you put into something that I value highly.  It will be part of my full moon ritual, and furthermore, it will help to set intentions for the rest of my year.  With gratitude and love.”

— Rebecca T.

If we’ve worked together and you would like to share a public testimonial, I would be honored if you would
contact me.