New Moon in leo - ‘black to gold’

July 28 ushers in the New Moon in Leo. When the Moon is new, she moves into the same sign as her equal and opposite, the Sun, "shedding light" on what has been hidden from us, on patterns that began with the tangle of our roots.

A new cycle begins. When the Moon lays bare in the warmth and light of the Sun, we feel more united within ourselves, sure and confident. We reach a deeper understanding. What we feel tends to match up better with what we do.

When the planet of unconscious intuition and the star of conscious action unite, we are offered a powerful window of opportunity for intentional transformation.

“We came too far to be looking back.
The path is drawn, we won't get off track.
Vision changed from black to gold.”

This aspect, Sun Conjunct Moon, heralds a new four-week cycle, so it's an ideal time to commit to self-improvement routines, begin new projects or re-commit to them, and lay the groundwork for long term goals.

In the sign of creative, dramatic, and playful Leo, we are asked to discover or re-commit to what fills us with pride and purpose. ❤️‍🔥

Leo is ruled by the Sun, the planetary ruler of our soul’s purpose, the aspect of ourselves that must work in the world if we are to feel complete.

Leo is known for their natural exuberance, their “sunniness,” boldness, and desire to brighten up the world — ask yourself: what natural gifts is it time for you to share confidently?

The New Moon will form a challenging angle with sober Saturn, the ruler of commitment, discipline, boundaries, and maturity — he underlines the need to master your craft, to know your unshakeable WHY, and to remain committed beyond the initial spark of excitement.

“And we were frozen in our steps,
But the light gave us a breath.
Vision changed from black to gold.”

When we go on a long road trip, we understand that detours, traffic jams, and even a blowout or two are possible as we make our way. So, when we encounter such an obstacle, we do not take it as A SIGN FROM THE UNIVERSE™️ that our trip was not meant to be.

After all, we know where we’re trying to go and it is damn well worth it! So, we simply re-route, practice patience while we play some tunes, or swap out that tire and continue onward.

“Ground below us shaking,
Air we breathe is changing,
Clouds above us clearing…”

Under this New Moon, rewards come with time courageously and consciously spent, and attempts compassionately corrected.

“There's movement in the stillness.
Our hearts will be the sound.
So we're raising our voice together,
No way we're standing down.”

Meanwhile, later this week, Mars will conjunct Uranus and the North Node and all three will form a square with Saturn, triggering some revolutionary revelations - that demand to be grounded right here on earth.

Epiphanies should be followed with matching actions, Saturn counsels. If you need additional time to integrate them, take it.

Shortcuts lead to short circuits.

This astrology could also trigger an explosive conflict or exchange, as Mercury is amplifying each of these aspects as well.

Don’t let a flat tire flatten your enthusiasm! In Leo fashion, remember that you’re the star of your show, and act accordingly. What does the bravest, most heartfelt version of you choose to do with their obstacles?

“we won’t back down!
no, we won’t back down!”

Happy New Moon in Leo! Shine on!

Your friendly village witch,


Theme for the New Moon in Leo.


Mars retrograde in gemini - clear the air


Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius - ‘Nothing But Time’